Glass Jar requiring sterilization

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Sterilize Canning Jars in Your Oven

If you have been canning for a while then it is likely you have been told how important it is to sterilize your canning jars.  Newer research seems to indicate that you may not need to always sterilize your jars. For instance the University of Utah indicates sterilization isn’t needed for water bath canning in…

Post Title for article on vinegar and its uses in canning

Vinegar and Canning – 13 Questions You Did Not Know You Had

1. What does vinegar do in canning? Vinegar is one of the main types of acid used during canning to lower the pH level of your liquid. This helps to control or eliminate the growth of bacteria and is required in many water bath recipes. Generally vinegar is added to reach a pH level below…

heat and mason jars

Heat and Your Mason Jars [ 9 ] Top Questions & The Answers

Unedited Image in Featured Image appeared on With cooking temperatures ranging from 100 degrees to more than 500 degrees Fahrenheit, you might find yourself wondering how all this heat affects mason jars.  While most mason jars can stand some heat there are some things you probably should not do with your jars.  Let’s dive…

Hidden danger of unsafe canning Botulism
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Hidden Danger of Unsafe Canning Why You Should Follow Tried Recipes

The main danger you face when canning is potential food poisoning. The most common cause of this is Botulism. This occurs when a bacteria is found in most foods is packaged in a low oxygen environment. The bacteria releases spores that emit a dangerous toxin. Proper canning procedures can eliminate this risk.  I Can Get…

reflection in the surface of a microwave when putting mason jars in

Can You Microwave Mason Jars with Food in Them?

It is safe to microwave most modern glass jars. Brands such as Ball,Kerr and Jerdan often include microwave-safe symbols on their products. However, the lids and rings contain metal and should not be put in a microwave. Glass jars can become very hot, creating a burn risk if left in the microwave for long periods….

Hot pack vs Cold Pack

Hot Pack Canning vs Cold Pack Canning [What’s the Difference]

Hot pack canning involves boiling the food to reduce its size and remove excess air before packing it into heated jars. Cold pack canning on the other hand is placing uncooked food directly into the heated jars. In both methods the jars are preheated and it is necessary to boil any syrups or liquids added…

mason jars with rusted lids

Why Do My Mason Lids Rust? A One-Stop Guide to Rust & Mason Lids

Mason Jars have been around for over 150 years. While they are great for canning, storing food and about a million other uses. One thing that still plagues some people is rusted lids. This may lead you to wonder why did the lids rust? Are they still safe? How can I clean the rust off?…

Glass jar being put into the freezer

Can You Freeze Glass Jars? 3 Tips to Do It Safely

Mason Jars the King of Food Storage Nearly every prepper, homesteader or Southern Tea Drinker has mason jars around their home. These are perfect for canning foods, arts and crafts and even cooking cakes in. However, when it comes to storing frozen foods people tend to shy away from mason jars. This stems from the…