Prepper food storage options are nearly endless

Prepper Food Storage 101: A Simple and Practical Checklist for Any Situation

Creating a List One of the first and most important steps for any prepper is to create a food storage list. This list will help you plan, buy, and store the food that you will need in case of an emergency. But how do you make a good food storage list?  It’s not as simple…

Wise Survival Foods

Readywise Food Kits Review: Are They Worth It?

When disaster strikes, you need to be prepared with food that can last for a long time and provide enough nutrients in small portions. That’s why you need survival food kits like ReadyWise, which are specially designed to meet your needs in any emergency situation.  ReadyWise food kits are different from other survival foods because…

Arugula Microgreens

Arugula Microgreens – Sprouting, Harvest and Seasonal Tips

Growing Arugula as Microgreens Arugula is an excellent option when selecting plants to grow as microgreens. You can eat them from nearly anytime after they sprout all the way through their adult growing cycles. Even the flowers are edible. As  microgreen though they germinate and sprout relatively quickly, often being ready to eat in as…

Will Cold Kill Pepper Plants

Winter Approaches, What Temperatures Will Kill Your Pepper Plants? + How to Prevent This

As winter nears you may be wondering how your garden will fare as the temperatures drop. If you are like me then one of your latest crops is peppers. For most species of peppers temperatures below 50 to 55 degrees will cause them to begin to go dormant, slowing their growth. If temperatures drop below…

Hidden danger of unsafe canning Botulism
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Hidden Danger of Unsafe Canning Why You Should Follow Tried Recipes

The main danger you face when canning is potential food poisoning. The most common cause of this is Botulism. This occurs when a bacteria is found in most foods is packaged in a low oxygen environment. The bacteria releases spores that emit a dangerous toxin. Proper canning procedures can eliminate this risk.  I Can Get…

Potatoes in a root cellar

A Simple Guide – How to Store Potatoes in a Root Cellar

Why Store Potatoes in a Root Cellar? Storing potatoes in a root cellar provides ideal conditions for long term storage. Most potatoes will store best in a cool dark place. They prefer temperatures of around 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Since the ground temperature at depths of 15 to 20 feet matches this it makes…

11 places to store food

11 Fantastic Places you Can or Should Store Emergency Food

Storing emergency food is a vital part of prepping. For many preppers food is the first thing they begin stockpiling. It does not matter if you only have a few weeks worth or a year’s supply of MREs and freeze dried food. You are going to need somewhere to store your food. Unlike your normal…

Pot of lye water and corn beginning nixtamalization process

What is Nixtamalization? Plus 2 Recipes and 4 Uses

Nixtamalization is the cooking of dried corn with water and lime, removing Mycotoxins found in corn making it safe to eat. Hominy, maize and tortillas can then be made from the resulting Masa flour. How Nixtamalization Originated Nixtamalization was developed long ago, the indigenous people of the americas have been growing corn for thousands of…