Fish on a stringer

Fishing Techniques for Survivalists – Trotlines, Droplines, Jug Fishing, + More

Why fishing tips for survivalists? When you consider a SHTF situation, a main concern is food and water. If you plan your bug out location near a stream, river or lake then you can potentially guarantee both of these in abundance. There is a possibility that a time will arise in which you absolutely must…

Large brown crawfish in rocks

How to catch Crawfish – What they are and how to cook them

Crawfish or Crayfish what are they Do you love chowing down on these tasty little relatives of lobster? They are best when caught from the lake fresh and boiled right away. If you love, eating them then read on to learn more about what they are, how to catch crawfish, and how to cook them….

Green leafy veggies grown in hydroponic totes

Getting started in Hydroponics – With Kratky Hydroponics

Why hydroponics? and why Kratky Hydroponics? Kratky Hydroponics has several advantages over traditional methods of growing crops. While hydroponics seems like a big scientific word it is essentially no more than growing plants in fortified water without soil. In most cases, plants grown via hydroponics are sheltered indoors and tend to be better protected from…