Magnifying Glass Firestarters

The Magnifying Glass Firestarter – Does it Really Work?

Today my son came home all excited that he had found a new way to start a fire. I know, I know normally it’s frowned upon when kids are talking about starting fires. However, in this case we had recently been discussing various ways to start a fire without matches. The techniques we had discussed…

Tips to shelter in place during a riot

4 Steps That Prepare You to Shelter in Place During a Riot

The year 2020 has been a wild one. First we had the Coronavirus Pandemic which led to shortages of food and other supplies as well as loss of income for many people. This led to some people resorting to alternate means such as burglary and theft to get the stuff they felt they needed.  Next…

What you should do first in an emergency

What should you do first in a SHTF scenario?

I see many posts, articles, and suggestions that the very first thing you should do in a survivalist or SHTF scenario is to find shelter. While in some circumstances that could be true, you want to make sure your immediate situation is safe. By immediate I mean the next few minutes to a few hours…

burglar and storage plans

Prepper Back Up Plans – For those times your first plan is compromised

True Preppers are always ready for a what ever may come. Though one area that maybe they have not considered is what will happen should your first plan fail. For instance zombies (looters) come and take all of your supplies in the first week. I know your armed to the teeth but what if it…

Fish on a stringer

Fishing Techniques for Survivalists – Trotlines, Droplines, Jug Fishing, + More

Why fishing tips for survivalists? When you consider a SHTF situation, a main concern is food and water. If you plan your bug out location near a stream, river or lake then you can potentially guarantee both of these in abundance. There is a possibility that a time will arise in which you absolutely must…