11 places to store food

11 Fantastic Places you Can or Should Store Emergency Food

Storing emergency food is a vital part of prepping. For many preppers food is the first thing they begin stockpiling. It does not matter if you only have a few weeks worth or a year’s supply of MREs and freeze dried food. You are going to need somewhere to store your food. Unlike your normal…

Military surplus gas masks hanging up for sale

10 Reasons You Should Reconsider Purchasing “That” Gas Mask

With the plot of many post apocalyptic movies seeming even more plausible in the light of the recent pandemic outbreak. Many people have begun to wonder if they should consider purchasing a gas mask. After all the filters on them have to be able to keep out bacterial agents right? So if you are wondering…

Compass for land nav

What is the Best Compass for Land Navigation? 6 Great Options

Land navigation can be defined as using a map and compass to navigate between two locations. In today’s age most people are familiar with GPS devices. However, from a survival standpoint it could be beneficial to learn how to read a map and navigate with a compass. So if you are interested in this, then…

kitty litter to your stockpiles

14 Reasons to add Kitty Litter to Your Prepper Stockpile

There is always a running joke about preppers hoarding beans, rice and cat litter. While some of them are true and I am going to give you 14 reasons why kitty litter should be added to your stockpiles.   As Preppers we are always looking for items that can solve multiple problems. Once we find this…

Homemade desiccant

Your Long Term Food Stores Can Be Prolonged with a Homemade Desiccant

As described in our article Four Ways Your Food Stores Could Become Contaminated moisture is a very real danger to your long term food stores. In addition moisture is a potential danger in every storage space for more items than just food. Due to these very real concerns you should take steps to prevent this…

cans of chicken soup

4 Ways Your Stored Food Could Become Contaminated And How To Stop It

Congratulations, you’re well on your way to building your stockpile of food. The question is have you considered what would happen if you lost a portion of your stockpile? This could occur by a theft I suppose. Though it seems that food contamination is far more likely. We are going to discuss 3 ways that…